Saturday, October 15, 2011

Update for this past week

I am finding that with some of my groups of students I am feeling success with the new ideas and they seem to be buying in to what we are trying to accomplish. However, with another group of students, I don't feel like I am finding any success. I continue to battle a lot of classroom management issues with this group of students. They are known as "that" class and I work hard to do a lot of positive things with them but it gets hard with some of the blatant disrespect. I have not made the same amount of progress with this group as with the other group and I am finding that it is harder on me when there are groups at so many different points throughout the process. I lose my train of thought, miss something to discuss with a particular group. I am wondering if I should decide to exclude this group from my data collecting. I will still implement some of the same ideas but not be so tied to my exact plan. This may help my overall feel of how everything is going and I may feel more successful with the progress I have made so far. Definitely things to think about over the weekend and to think about over the long MEA break.


  1. I know...I don't like when my classes are at different spots. I am sorry to hear that you have "that" class. It is hard to concentrate on collecting data and doing what you intend to do when you have to deal with behavioral distractions. You seem to be very organized and I am very confident you will figure it out and do a great job.

  2. It is very difficult to attempt new teaching strategies with a class that you can't get to stay focused with you. Just remember that not every activity or strategy will work with every class. Sometimes you have to try something different, more structured, whatever, to keep them engaged. Don't give up on what you're trying out, but you may need to focus your new strategies with your other classes for this first time through.

  3. I can really see your experience through your posts. You are very honest and that helps. I would love more details...I wanted to know how you introduced the 5 e's and specifics on what your students came up with to remember them, etc. I just wanted to know more... I guess that means you got my attention.

    It will be great to get a new update and how you have decided to handle things with your tougher class. They probably need this the most!

    Best wishes:)
